*1. username/account on renegade: Loki
*2. age/sex/location: 19/male/Wv
*3. Do you use Renlist or any other program other then XWIS or have u ever used it:Renlist
*4. Desired SHRP name (must have SHRP at begining):SHRPLoki
*5. Other clans you have been in: OSTK
*6. Reason for wanting to join SHRP: Awesome members and great potential for growth
*7. What are the values of letting you join: I'm nice to have around, i'm loyal, and i'm here for the long run.
*8. Your Perferd type (marathon, Sniper only, CTF, AOW, or infantry only): ALL
*9. Best with... ( marathon, Sniper only, CTF, AOW, or infantry only): AOW
*10. Would you like to become and Moderator of SHRP servers? (yes or no): Yes